Saturday, December 3, 2011

but before i make my move, my emotions started running wild

so 3rd place isn't bad. we only lost one game. and we had an amazing second game, like i don't know what came over my team but we blew them out by like 40 points! and the great thing is, although we're playing senior we only have two grade 12's on our team, the rest are 11's. so when we go up against these big grade 12 teams and beat them it's a pretty good feeling. we should have won that one game last night though... we'll get em next time.

so yeah, that's pretty much my weekend. basketball, basketball and more basketball. you could say it's back to the boring life? but really, i like it so much better. so once again, basketball's taken over my life and i really don't mind at all.

oh and while going through a house&home magazine last night i've decided i'm going to have to live on a beach. and my house has to have huge ass windows! it's the only way to go.
lots of love

and if you cry out, i'm gunna push it some more.

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