Sunday, December 4, 2011

screaming out there's not place like home, and then she spend another night alone

so warning, i may end up on a super long rant here, but i feel the need to get it out. so just giving you the heads up now. and the lyrics to this song pretty much sum up what i'm trying to say.

why is there that group of girls that all look the same that almost every single guy finds attractive. they all look the same. they have absolutely nothing unique about their look, yet dumb guys at my school are always making comments like 'they're so hot', and they get like 500 kajillion likes on every dumb little self-take facebook picture. they all dress the same, act the same, talk the same, DO YOU NOT REALIZE THEY'RE EXACT COPIES OF EACH OTHER?! they're completely fake. they're not going ANYWHERE with their lives.

i wouldn't mind these girls at all, if it wasn't the fact that they have no depth to them at all. trust me, i'm not just saying this and not really knowing them, i used to be friends with some of them, and i see how they interact with people at school and at parties all the time. they're straight up stupid. they have no idea about anything other then their own 'omg my boyfriend broke up with me my life is over', 'bbm not working:(' problems. nobody cares. oh wait just kidding, guys are stupid enough to think you're amazing, complex beings and they all want to date you, only for one reason of course though. sex.

it wouldn't bother me as much if these girls were dedicated to something other then boys, partying, looking 'good', and taking millions of pictures of themselves. if maybe, they put a little bit of effort into getting good grades (it's simple to get at least a B in every subject if you put a little effort in). or maybe they played sports? or were part of some sort of volunteering, maybe if they could play an instrument? something that gave them a little bit of difference and depth!

i honestly feel that if you're somebody who spends 6 days a week, almost every single week of the school year playing and practicing sports, if you get a day of here or there, you can go to whatever the fuck you want. i work my ass off studying to keep my 4.0 GPA plus i'm playing basketball 5 days a week and soccer 2 days a week. i feel like those occasional weekends i do get off, i can just have fun. those girls though, they get days off every day of the week. they have no discipline whatsoever, yet they still complain about their lives all the time. they 'can't find time to do homework' or 'forgot' to study for a test. yeah fucking right. you had all the time in the world, and you spent it on your lazy ass, or off having drunk sex somewhere.

please please please find a life. think for yourself for once. maybe not all the guys will want you, but you'll find the one that wants you for the right reasons.

lots of love


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