Tuesday, November 22, 2011

i don't believe that anybody feels the way i do, about you now

so today was alright. but it was kind of one of those days where you wake up and just want to say fuck it, and go back to sleep. i can't really have one of those days though. as much as i believe everyone needs those days once in a while, i didn't have the time to make it happen.

so instead i went to school and pounded through my classes, which surprisingly was alright. i'm ahead of the rest of my class in both bio and socials now since i just worked through class. like i said before, just one of those days where you want to say fuck it and not talk to anybody. really good for focus i'd say.

this might sound stupid, but i was feeling kind of musical today after school, so before i had to head off to basketball practice i went through some of my exam pieces for piano. sometimes it's nice to be able to just sit down and play. it's a good feeling.

then best part of the day, i had a super good basketball practice. it might not have been the best practice ever as a team, but it certainly was good. and it was an amazing practice individually for me. i just did everything really well, and when we had to do lines or stairs i always came first :) yay payoff from endless hours swimming. maybe i was just in a working hard mood today? but whatever it was it paid off.

really thinking about it now, i probably had one of those fuck it days because i just really need to take a break and think about some stuff. like last night a feeling of fear came back that i haven't had in a while. when i was younger i used to be terrified of death, but i guess now since i never really got a chance to get over S's dad's death that feelings come back. also i'm always wondering about 'that guy'. i shouldn't be thinking about stupid stuff that much. blah.

this is the kind of thing i've felt like doing all day.. i just need some time to
relax and think about things 

lots of lovin


this song makes me so happy. i just like the mood it puts me in.

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